Order Filter Fields

Use the order filters to get faster responses with exactly the information needed. Below you can find the request example on how to use filters:

https://api.api2cart.com/v1.0/product.list.xml?api_key=<your_api_key>&store_key=<your_store_key>&start=0&count=4&params= <filters that you need separated by commas>

In the params field, you can specify any of the filters listed below. If you need all the fields allowed by the shopping cart in one response, use force_all.

Name filter field Description
idInternal order ID
order_idOrder ID
customerCustomer’s info
addressBilling and Shipping addresses of order
currencyOrders currency info
create_atTime of order creation
modified_atTime of order modification
payment_methodOrders payment method name
shipping_methodOrders shipping method name
statusCurrent order status with status history
totalsOrder totals (ex. total price, shipping price, tax and etc)
order_productsOrders details
commentOrders comment

System filter params:

Name filter field Description
force_all *Display all fields possible to show

* This filter also includes the fields that were created in the shopping cart backend (admin section) and the specific fields, which are set for this shopping cart by default.